Week 3

36 material sections: I an used to drawing by pencil, so I used the pencil to sketch and for my most confident 3 material sections I used the pen to do it again so that it can looks in good effect in my model.
Biomimicry (below), Insulation (between). Floating (above), Resistant (bottom), self-healing (between), Light-weight (above)

Fluid (Bottom), functional (between), futuristic (above), elegant (bottom), clotted (between), elemental (above)
Variety (between), molecular (above), strong (below), light (above), dense (below), transform (between)

Lineable (between), suspension (above), geometric (above), curved (between), aerial (above), hexagonal (between).

ethereal (below), natural (between), overlapping (above), rational (above), scatter (above), cloudy (below).

flexible (between), tough (above), synthetic (between), solid (above), transparent (above), powerful (between).

Images of developed model showing the designers work & the scale:

Other images of the model:


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